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This information is important! Before you buy, please watch our 6-minute application demonstration:

And read the operation instruction in the following section
Any questions asked but included in this information will not be prioritized.

Operating instructions for the MWGH microwave oven

MWGH1000 Betriebsanweisung Mikrowellengerät.jpg

Read carefully and completely before using!

The device may only be operated by users who are registered with us by name and in compliance with these operating instructions, since incorrect use can result in death and damage! The device is allowed

only be used by people who are familiar with the safety instructions.


important safety instructions

Fire hazard!

Danger of serious damage to health!

Electric shock hazard!

Risk of burns!

Danger of scalding!

Risk of injury!

Preparation for microwave use

treatment of beams

Hazard and Exposure Areas

Set up and connect

The control panel

Before first use

Interesting facts about microwaves

Metrological tour

care and cleaning

fault table

Customer service

Technical specifications


important safety instructions

Please read this instruction carefully! Only then can you operate your device safely and correctly. Keep the operating instructions for later use.

Check the device after unpacking. Do not connect if damaged in transit.

This device is only intended for private households and the domestic environment. That

Only use the device to combat wood-destroying insects. That

Always personally supervise the device during operation. The device only in

use in closed rooms.

Keep children up to the age of 14 away from the device and the connecting cable.

Fire hazard!

The device gets very hot. The wood to be treated also gets very hot

for the minimum distance above and next to the device in the chapter on installation and connection


Make sure that there are no residues, resin or similar on the front panel

are or have been formed from polystyrene. Scrape such dirt with you

a sharp knife. Do not use solvents or those containing solvents

Cleaning supplies.

Improper use of the device is dangerous and can cause damage


Danger of serious damage to health!

Never operate the device without aligning it with the wood to be treated. For very small

Beams or boards the marked treatment area with additional wood

fill up, otherwise inadmissibly high and dangerous microwave potentials in the room

can occur, see also chapter exposure areas.

Electric shock hazard!

Improper repairs are dangerous. Only a customer service trained by us

Technician may carry out repairs and damaged connection lines

exchange. If the device is defective, pull out the mains plug.

Risk of burns!

The device gets very hot. The wood to be heated also gets very hot

Allow operation to cool down. keep children away.

Danger of scalding!

The heating of the wood can result in hot steam due to delayed boiling and

Squirt bubbles of steam, even after the device has been switched off again. this applies

also for any dissolved resin in the wood. Keep distance. keep children away.

Risk of injury!

Always place the device on a suitable and firm surface so that it cannot

can fall over. Possibly lash down with tension belts, but the ones marked

Do not cover the treatment area.

Preparation for microwave use

The treatment area is located on the device and is covered with a rigid foam board

is from which the microwaves, hereinafter referred to as μW, emerge. the

Treatment area (dashed line) when looking at the front of the device is approx. 21 x 33 cm:


For safety, there are additional instructions on the sides of the housing:

Mikrowelle Gefahren

To ensure success, you need to measure the temperature in the most inconvenient places. In the case of unilateral treatment, these are the circles marked in red:

Mikrowelle Wirkweise

In the case of two-sided treatment, these are the areas:

Erwärmung Holzbalken

Note that it will do you no good if you 'overheat' one area and don't heat the other area enough. Furthermore, the buoyancy has a significant influence, which means that you position the device somewhat below the middle of the beam. You can only be sure that you have successfully combated the infestation if you reach the lethal temperature across the entire cross-section. During operation, the measured temperatures are not exact because they are falsified by the interference of the µW. In order to be able to measure accurately, you must switch off the device. However, the measurement error is relatively the same during operation, so that you can also see during operation whether the device is optimally positioned, ie the critical temperatures are even.


Therefore, drill 4 holes, whether straight or at an angle, in the most unfavorable areas and push in temperature sensors. The depth of the holes depends on the accessibility from the outside. If access is free, 1 – 2 cm is sufficient. Make sure that the measuring tip is also in safe contact with the wood. Fix the sensors, e.g. B. with suitable wooden dowels (not included). If you want to use unshielded sensors, holes with a diameter of 2 - 3 mm are sufficient, shielded cable sensors require a diameter of 6 - 8 mm. Please note that the measuring devices offered only measure reliably if no µW are in operation and when measuring with µW operation the interference error of unshielded sensors is considerably larger than shielded versions. If you treat thick beams (> 18 cm thick), it can happen that temperatures > 100 °C occur at the treatment front or that the wood discolours and changes its structure at temperatures > 120 °C. Then it makes sense to also place temperature sensors on the front, which you can attach with a U-shaped (paper) clip. It may then be necessary to interrupt the µW operation for a few minutes until the front temperature has dropped below 100 °C again, in order to then possibly heat up intermittently until you reach the lethal temperature at the most unfavorable points.

With even thicker beams, we also come up against the application limits of the device. For dimensions over 20 cm made of oak or 23 - 25 cm made of softwood, we recommend arranging 2 devices opposite each other, as can be seen from the sketch on the previous pages, because of the limited capacity of the device(s) the beam can no longer be heated through in its entire cross-section with economic effort. At 30 cm or even more, even more devices may be required, but these can no longer be assigned to household-like use and should therefore be left to professional pest controllers. According to DIN 68800, the safe lethal temperature for all insects is 55 °C for 1 hour.


However, these treatment parameters are based on earlier hot air treatments, in which the temperature could only be supplied slowly from the outside via thermal conduction. In fact, these functional parameters are dependent on temperature and time. So you can also z. B. with 60 °C and 30 min. holding time be successful or 65 °C and 10 min. or 70 °C and 2 min. However, we recommend adhering to the recognized rules of technology according to DIN68800 (55 °C 1 hour). In order to ensure this with µW technology, it is sufficient to heat the thermally insulated beam to around 65 - 68 °C. The beam then cools down to approx. 55 °C within an hour, with the insulation left intact, and there have not been any complaints about this procedure so far. But there are exceptions to every rule: In our experience, the sapwood beetle (Lyctus) does not follow the DIN. Since this beetle originally comes from the tropics, its lethal temperature is 66 °C. We therefore recommend fighting this beetle at 70 °C. If the two lethal temperature sensors differ significantly (> 5°C), the device can be repositioned to reduce treatment time. Appropriate plain text information makes the measurement protocol reproducible even for those who are not present.   We recommend the following measurement protocol for documentation.


treatment of beams

Hard foam (styrofoam) is the preferred insulating material, which is practical for μW

represents no resistance. Glass wool has also proven its worth for bulky beams because

she is more flexible. Even small gaps in the insulation of 1 - 2 mm cause significant damage

Heat losses and should be avoided. Suitable for closing such slits

silicone or PU foam. However, please avoid direct contact with

the beam. Insulate the beam to be treated with about 3 cm thick

foam boards. You can also easily fix the panels with nails. avoid

but N.gel in the direct treatment area. In the treatment area

do not need to insulate, since the front panel of the device is also the insulation

guaranteed. We recommend glass wool mats for round beams. If the bar

between a wall, the wall can also serve as insulation. set up

the device with the front directly on the beam to be treated. If necessary, the device

using a suitable substructure on boards or planks or a tripod

position and fix with straps, but not in the treatment area

may rise.

But before we start treatment, we still have to consider risks,

namely the danger and exposure areas explained below.

Hazard and Exposure Areas

The professional association has the regulation and guideline ÅLElektromagnetic

FelderÅL (BGV B11 and BGR B11) enacted. Even if you as a private user have nothing to do with

of the employers' liability insurance association, we adopt this regulation because it is part of yours

security serves. We have the relevant values for you from these documents

compiled: According to this, the permissible limit value is as long-term exposure

in the area of increased exposure and exposure area 1: 5 mW/m. = 50W/m.

in exposure area 2: 1 mW/cm. = 10W/m.


Definition of the areas:


B bar

M microwave oven

C 5 m control line

S control unit

2 Exposure Area 2 is practically everywhere except that

yellow and red area, max. 1 mW/cm. = 10W/m.

1 exposure area 1, permanent max. 5 mW/cm. = 50W/m.

No access for people with pacemakers


3 Hazardous area Access prohibited

To give you a feeling for the μW residual potential, some comparative data: If you

using your mobile phone, the 5 mW/cm. right on the ear usually


A long-term study (> 10 years) in high-frequency laboratories in the USA found that

that long-term exposures of 100 mW/cm. to no detectable damage or

changes in humans and animals.

For medical μW applications, e.g. B. to relax back muscles

People with 500 - 1,000 mW/cm. treated and they are doing well. (The medics

do not have to follow the regulations of the trade association for precision mechanics

and electrical engineering!).

Wood moisture 
The influence of wood moisture is relatively small. Although we need a certain minimum humidity (> approx. 1 – 2%) so that µW can be absorbed at all, this humidity is practically always present. However, the thermal conductivity of damp wood (> 20 - 30%) is better. In this case, more heat then also flows into colder regions, which is only relevant for the first heating-up section and does not mean any additional losses overall. The moisture loss with a µW treatment is also relatively low and is on average around 2 – 3% for dry beams (< approx. 10 – 12% wood moisture content) if the treatment is optimal. With fairly thick (> 18 cm) and new beams (wood moisture content around 30%), which can only be treated on one side and the treatment can therefore sometimes take several hours, evaporation is also greater. We have measured wood moisture levels that were 5 – 10% lower after the treatment than before the treatment.

Set up and connect

This device is only intended for private households and household-like use. Place the device on a solid, level surface and align it directly in front of the wood to be treated. Never operate the device empty without wood or a wall in front of it!!! The ventilation slots on the back, top and bottom must always remain free. If heat / temperature differences are involved, then buoyancy must also be taken into account. In fact, this is noticeable. With heating from above you need considerably longer than with heating from below. With lateral heating we still have differences of 10-20%. Consequence: bars are treated more efficiently from below. In the case of lateral heating, it is better to position the device axis about 10 - 20% below the middle of the beam.

colors and coatings

According to previous experience, no changes / discolorations could be found in the paintwork that was encountered. In the case of unfamiliar colors, however, we recommend that you find out about the temperature resistance from the manufacturer, if necessary to test the temperature resistance on a sample or an area that is as irrelevant as possible. The device is ready to plug in and may only be connected to a properly installed safety socket. The fuse must be at least 10 amps. The mains voltage must correspond to the voltage specified on the rating plate. The laying of the socket or the replacement of the connecting cable may only be carried out by an electrician. The device plug must always be accessible. Do not use multiple plugs and connector strips. There is a risk of fire if overloaded.

The control panel
You can use the rotary selector to change all suggested and set values. The rotary selector can be lowered. Press the rotary selector to engage and disengage.


Direkt nach der Spannungsversorgung erscheint dieses Display für einige Sekunden. In

dieser Zeit wird die Steuerung aktiviert und das Display erlischt wieder. Wenn Sie dann

auf dem Bedienfeld die Taste „Micro Power“ drücken aktivieren Sie das Display wieder

wie vor.


Durch mehrmaliges Drücken dieser Taste reduzieren Sie die Leistung jeweils um 20 %. Wir empfehlen jedoch jeweils mit 100 % Leistung (Anzeige „100 P“) zu behandeln.

Anschließend wählen Sie mit dem Drehwähler die Behandlungszeit in Minuten und drücken

die Taste „Instant.Start“. Damit werden die Mikrowellen gestartet.


Sollten Sie sich verwählt haben können Sie mit der Taste „Stop.Clear“ den Betrieb jederzeit

stoppen und das Display für neue Eingaben freischalten.

Sofern Sie eine Uhrzeit einstellen wollen, können Sie dies über die Taste „Preset.Clock“.

Before first use

Here you can find out what you have to do before you heat wood with your microwave oven for the first time. Read the Safety Instructions chapter first. Setting the time When the device is connected or after a power failure, three zeros light up in the display panel.

Interesting facts about microwaves

Adjust as described in points 1 to 3.

Microwaves convert their energy directly into matter, in the wooden beam, exclusively into heat, that's the ultimate kick of microwaves. Therefore, the temperature inside the wood is higher than outside, in contrast to conventional control methods such as hot air, where the temperature from the outside can only flow slowly to the inside of the wood via heat conduction. Without after-effects after switching off. It's like a light switch: after turning off the light, it's immediately dark. penetration depth
Theoretically, the penetration depth is infinite. In practice, however, approximately 50% of the power is absorbed at each wavelength (12 cm). We therefore only recommend one-sided treatments for wood thicknesses of up to 18 cm. With larger cross-sections, it makes more sense to treat from 2 sides or to use 2 devices at the same time. Furthermore, the buoyancy plays a certain role. If you treat from below, that is, the device

If you arrange them under a beam, you work with the buoyancy and are more efficient than if you act from the top down, i.e. against the buoyancy. In addition, the internal µW components are subjected to more thermal stress and thus the service life is reduced. If vapors form within the wood, which then condense again in colder areas, behind or next to the main panel, thermal stresses and cracking can occur. To avoid this, you shouldDo not exceed 100°C.Note that stored resin can also become liquid at these temperatures and then concentrate primarily on the knots. If the wood is rotten or the inside is mostly eaten away, heating will take place even more quickly, as the density/mass is much lower. If there is (only) "loose" dust or drill dust inside the beam, the ignition temperature can be exceeded.A smoldering fire can even occur. You should therefore also avoid temperatures above 100 °C. Furthermore, it deforms at temperatures near and above 100 °Cthe device front panel made of hard foam. However, this is not a defect of the device but only a cosmetically unsightly side effect and not a functional disorder or impairment of safety.

Just take breaks of a few minutes. Then the heat from the near-surface areas is further dissipated to the rear and you can then reheat when the critical (near-surface) areas are again below the level you want. Although this extends the treatment time, you can also use it to achieve lower maximum temperatures, e.g. B. 80 °C. Even if only 60 °C is permissible for sensitive colors, this can be guaranteed with intermittent operation.


You can check the surface temperatures with an infrared thermometer when the device is switched off. See our list of accessories for suitable devices, but they are very µW-sensitive. Never measure with these devices while the µW device is in operation. µW penetrate glass, porcelain, paper, ceramics, air without significant resistance (attenuation). The µW are reflected on metal surfaces, no matter how thick or what the surface is like, i.e. blank, polished or painted, also regardless of whether it is copper, brass, aluminium, steel, stainless steel or galvanized.

The same applies here: there are no rules without exceptions. If µW is applied to a thin and long metal rod, it can become a rod (dipole) antenna. Then it no longer reflects the µW but absorbs it and converts the energy into heat, i.e. it becomes hot. This depends on the diameter and length of the rod and the wavelength. This can affect nails or screws that are in the wood or protruding. In practice, however, this has only occurred with headless steel pins which are commonly used to fasten floor skirting boards. These nails are mostly 3 cm long (λ/4) and less than 1 mm in diameter. In this case, pay particular attention to possible overheating. All other commercially available dimensions of nails and screws are too thick in relation to length to accept this phenomenon and therefore cannot cause problems.

Hot Spots 
These are irreproducible,  regional bundling of microwaves and unfortunately cannot be avoided. They depend on a number of parameters such as the phasing and entry angle of the waves, wood density (including knots), wood temperature and humidity, air temperature and humidity, all of which we cannot measure in practice. However, this can cause undefined areas in the wood to heat up more. However, the temperatures are equalized again with their surroundings via natural heat conduction, so that in practice there are often hardly any measurable differences and therefore these 'hot spots' are often not noticed at all. Nevertheless, the treatment area can be restricted and/or shifted in individual cases.

Like all electromagnetic waves, µW also affect other, similarly operated devices. This includes electronic or magnetic devices such. B. radios, televisions, PCs including their remote controls and connection cables, speakers, radios, "cell phones", magnetic memory cards, e.g. B. Check or credit cards. Please move such items from the rooms to be treated to safe exposure area 2. Any claims for alleged or actual defects in these devices are fundamentally excluded! Therefore, the corresponding safety instructions for these devices must be observed. 

Access to exposure area 1 is not permitted for people with pacemakers.Since it cannot be ruled out that you may carelessly enter the exposure area for a short time, the device must not be operated by people with pacemakers. However, before you put the µW device into operation, make sure once again that you have made all the preparations. This includes, in particular, estimating the exposure area 1 to be expected if the area behind the beam or parquet to be treated is not open or visible. Make sure what's behind it. If e.g. B. is another apartment, inform the neighbors and lock this room to make sure that there is no e.g. B. can stop a baby. If necessary, you must refrain from treatment or take shielding measures if you cannot clarify this before you start using it.

Mark the appropriate areas e.g. B. with warning tape and warning signs, or place the control unit in front of the access point so that it is clearly visible, since µW operation is also displayed there. Through your personal permanent control, you also ensure that no unauthorized persons (e.g. with pacemakers) have access to exposure area 1. Then document your measurements and measures in the measurement log.

In addition, put up the warning sign in front of the danger area, but better to be on the safe side before entering exposure area 1:

Print out this warning sign and stick it on a piece of cardboard or a piece of wood to safely mark the area described above. If you have also secured these premises, go to exposure area 2 with the control panel and press the start button to go directly to the metrological tour  :

Metrological tour

After commissioning, go out of the safe exposure area 2 towards the µW device and measure until you reach the limit value of 1 mW/cm². Move the measuring device up and down with the front facing the µW device so that you can also identify any hot spots. Delimit exposure area 1 around the entire area behind and to the side of the µW device. Then go to the front at a safe distance and measure the limit value of exposure area 2 there as well. It might also be in the neighboring apartment! If there are areas that exceed the limit value, there is no choice but to cordon off this area safely or to take it out of service again until you find another solution. Furthermore, there are harmless limit values for your metrological tour with the extended limit values < 5 mW/cm² = 50 W/m² and < 6 min in exposure area 1 and < 30 mW/cm² = 300 W/m² < 6 min. in the area of increased exposure (see Section 9, Commissioning) where briefly our desired exposure area 2 can also become exposure area 1 if you identify areas of increased exposure. Briefly excessive readings are not to be classified as dangerous!

Microwave Performances suitable for

90 W Slow thawing of frozen wood

180 W - 360 W heating of small dimensions, e.g. B. Roof battens

600 W heating of small beams

900W heating of medium to large bars.

Note: You can set the microwave power to 900 W for 30 minutes, 600 W

for 1 hour, the other services for 1 hour and 39 minutes each.

care and cleaning

With careful care and cleaning, your microwave oven will remain beautiful and intact for a long time. Here we explain how to properly care for and clean your device.


The stainless-steel-look hood is covered with a film that we only removed in the required areas (ventilation slots and type plate). If, despite great care, there are some scratches during production, these do not constitute a defect. If you like, you can also remove the foil completely.


Any stains on the hard foam front panel are also production-related and do not mean any impairment.

!Risk of short circuit! Never use high-pressure or steam cleaners for cleaning.
!Risk of burns! Never clean the device immediately after switching it off. Let the device cool down.
!Electric shock hazard! Never immerse the device in water or clean it under a jet of water.


-     no harsh and abrasive cleaning agents.

If such an agent gets on the front panel, wipe it off immediately with water.

-    no metal or glass scrapers

-     no hard scouring pads and cleaning sponges. Wash new sponge cloths thoroughly before use.

-     no cleaning products containing alcohol.

Pull out the mains plug before cleaning. Clean the outside of the device with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Dry with a clean cloth.


fault table

When a fault occurs, it's often just a small thing. Before you call customer service, please try to rectify the fault yourself using the following table.

Electric shock hazard!

Improper repairs are dangerous.

Only a service technician trained by us may carry out repairs.

Customer service

If your device needs repairing, our customer service is there for you. We always find a suitable solution, also to avoid unnecessary visits by technicians. This device complies with the EN 55011 or CISPR 11 standard. It is a Group 2, Class B product. Group 2 means that microwaves are generated for the purpose of heating, Class B means that the device is suitable for private household environments.

Technical specifications

Spannungsversorgung          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   220-230V, 50Hz

Leistungsaufnahme          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         1.450 W

Maximum output power     900 W

Abmessungen ca.          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_  H 31 x W 51 x D 41 cm

Effective treatment area     approx. 20x30cm

Gewicht          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- 15 kg

Umgebungsbedingungen          -10 ... 35 °C, max. 95 % RH f

CE-Zeichen          _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   yes

Dispose of in an environmentally friendly manner

This device is labeled in accordance with the European Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment. The guideline provides the framework for EU-wide take-back and recycling of old devices.


program automatic

With the program automation, which is still in the planning stage, it should be possible to call up various applications. However, this option will only be available in future versions. Until then, please proceed as follows: For example, for a bar with a cross-section of 15 x 15 cm, use the maximum power of 900 W and measure the temperatures as described above. Switch on the device for 5 minutes and measure the temperatures again. Now form the quotient of the temperature increase and duty cycle, e.g. E.g. 14 °C/ 5 min. = 2.8 °C/min. So if you started at 20 °C and reached 34 °C after 5 min, you have to e.g. E.g. to reach 68 °C treat (68 –34)/2.8 = 12 min. at the same power to reach 68 °C.


We grant a manufacturer's guarantee of two years from the date of purchase. During this period, we will eliminate all defects free of charge that can be proven to be due to material or manufacturing defects and that significantly impair the function. Further claims are excluded. Damage caused by non-compliance with the operating instructions or improper handling is excluded from the guarantee.

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